#67: New stop sign request

Put a stop sign at the intersection of Louisiana and 4th avenue.

Submitted by Edward DiMaio


#66: Ten steps to a stronger town

Ideas from StrongTowns: https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2016/8/26/10-steps-to-fix-a-city.

"We often talk about cities needing to change their current development pattern, but we usually offer gentle suggestions intended to prod towns in the right direction a little at a time. What if we attacked this problem head-on instead?

"For municipalities that want to become Strong Towns, here’s a list of what I see as the highest impact actions (not in any particular order) that would help restore a productive development pattern. This is a generic list, not tailored to any specific community, but the actions on this list would apply to the majority of North American towns.

"1. Don't issue any new bonds until the city's current debts are fully paid off.

"There is such a thing as responsible debt, but we’ve drifted so far away from this culturally that we would be better off quitting cold turkey for a while and getting debt-free for once before carefully re-evaluating the role of debt in the operation of a city.


"4. Don't permit greenfield development when existing infrastructure is highly underutilized.

"Almost every city has a section of town with streets and sewers surrounded by vacant lots or abandoned buildings. As long as there are big chunks of your town like this, there’s no reason to issue building permits for new infrastructure.

"5. Require buildings to front the street.

"That means no parking lots in front of buildings. The ground floor has to be inhabitable, parking can be beside or behind the building, but there has to be a “front door” that lets pedestrians enter the building directly from the street / sidewalk. ..."

submitted via fb by Elliot Goettelman

#65: Open applications for committee assignments

The Sturgeon Bay community has talent, knowledge, public service commitment, and diversity of all kinds. It would be an admirable goal for committee membership to reflect that as much as possible. A process might be initiated to welcome interest and applications from community members, and then review all applicants for good matches of these factors to committee assignments. I hope that Sturgeon Bay would consider adopting a practice that so many  Wisconsin communities follow. Below are just a few examples - Eau Claire in particular is an excellent example. Committee applications should be advertised on city website, social media, print media, etc. The City Council could establish a process like one of the following:

Eau Claire as example.

Portage, WI as example.

Janesville, WI as example.

Photo: Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce (eauclairechamber.org)

Photo: Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce (eauclairechamber.org)

Thank you for your consideration.

Submitted by Nancy Aten

#64 : Barn-red Granary

I like the artist's rendering of the granary, in barn red paint with Sturgeon Bay painted on the side. I lived in Sturgeon Bay from 1950 to 1968, when I went away to college in Oshkosh. After that, I only returned periodically and I now live in N. VA, seldom traveling. I seem to remember the granary prior to this one burning down. I used to go along with my father when he patronized the nearby Midland Cooperative. I agree that it's a unique structure and it should be preserved.

Submitted by Gene Seiler


#63: Save the granary as agricultural venue

Here is a suggestion for making use of the granary and the waterfront landscape.

I am envisioning a food forest planted around the granary, instead of ordinary parkland. Maybe a butterfly garden tucked in there somewhere. The granary would be a venue to showcase local foods and artisan products. Maybe it could incorporate a cooking school offering affordable workshops for families to make their own sourdough bread, or Belgian pies, or cherry kringle.  I think it would be interesting to celebrate the granary as an agricultural monument and connect it with food production today.

Submitted by Paula Wendland

#62: Small apartments

Amity Field would be a superb location for small apartments, it is close to downtown and to grocery stores, etc. It is close to the shipyard and also NWTC. Small housing would work for many segments of the population. 400-500 sq.feet.

Submitted by Linda Cockburn


#61: Connectivity

I would like to see Sturgeon Bay host more festivals which include the entirety of the downtown. With a city this small, it seems silly to divide the East and West (and Jefferson Street) into their own areas. Our community is highly walkable/bikable and it would be fun to enjoy a day circling the bridges between activities. I think we should also utilize our cool back alleys.

I would also like to see city bikes available. I appreciate the new sidewalks on Egg Harbor Road so having bike stations at the grocery store would also be helpful.

submitted by Charolette Baierl

#60: Apply for Community Design Assistance through Citizens' Institute on Rural Design

The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design is hosting an informational call on Thursday, January 25th, 2 pm central time, about the 2018 opportunity for rural communities to apply for design assistance. For cities and towns under 50,000 residents. NEA and CIRD staff will walk participants through the program opportunity as well as the mechanics of how to apply. For more information about CIRD and to view the Request for Proposals, visit: https://www.rural-design.org/request-for-proposals. Deadline for communities to apply is February 16, 2018.

The Citizens' Institute on Rural Design™ (CIRD) connects communities to the design resources they need to convert their own good ideas into reality. CIRD is a leadership initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) conducted in partnership with Project for Public Spaces, along with the Orton Family Foundation.

The CIRD 2018 program is focused on helping rural leaders and residents come together to find creative solutions for the following design issues:
• Multimodal Transportation – Examples of design challenges include: Improving bike/pedestrian access in your community; retrofitting commercial strips to accommodate pedestrians; the development of recreational trails for mobility and economic development; mobility for the elderly and aging in place; context sensitive rural highways and byways; integration of arts/culture/design to improve transportation or pedestrian experience.
• Healthy Living by Design – Examples of design challenges include: Creating public space that supports play and active recreation; improving access to healthy food and local food eco-systems; enhancing access for walking, biking, and active transportation/recreation; building social cohesion and opportunities for social interaction via creative placemaking.
• Main Streets – Examples of design challenges include: Leveraging Main Street for economic development; redesigning Main Street as a local street versus state highway/thruway; cultivating/enhancing public space on main street via design or creative placemaking; branding and design along Main Street; historic preservation and adaptive reuse of Main Street buildings; maximizing the role that arts and culture can play as an economic driver for local and regional economies.


#59: Preserving the Granary – Sturgeon Bay - Economics of Uniqueness

Historic cultural heritage is a non-renewable resource. Like archaeology, it is irreplaceable and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Many cities and towns across America regret the loss of their heritage, especially in their historic city cores. Furthermore, a building should be expended only under exceptional circumstances.

As Aristotle famously stated, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Integrated conservation targets simultaneously landmarks, historic city cores, housing, and land that collectively have enough character to give each city or town its own unique flavor. While the Granary may seem to be one physically isolated building, it is actually part of an integrated system of local history and represents the agricultural industry that is both the birth and enduring foundation of Door County.

Applying an integrated conservation approach would also link heritage conservation and local economic development, enhancing a downtown where people like to go, meet, live, work, and invest. The “creative class” and millennial generation are looking for less urban areas to live that are affordable, yet have culture and a distinct ‘sense of place’ that makes it feel different from any other. Economists debate and discuss ‘cultural capital,’ which is the culmination of heritage assets in an area that often leads to increased property values, attracts talent and business investment, and increases sense of pride among local residents.

Sturgeon Bay does not have a great deal of historic landmarks remaining and should preserve and adaptively reuse what it still possesses. The Granary forms a significant part of the town’s fabric and essence – and its future requires prudence from the people who will ultimately decide its fate.

Susan Kennedy
International Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Expert
Adjunct Lecturer at Lawrence University in Public History Management

See Document, Economics of Uniqueness

"Cost-Benefit Analysis Confirms the Cultural and Economic Value of Conservation"

#58: One-of-a-kind recreational facility at Westside Waterfront

[Shortened slightly from public letter sent to media. Photos added by Centerline from the Title Town project described in letter].

... Please, allow me here to plead with the City Fire Chief and Council to re-consider the take down orders regarding the granary... Based on my professional engineering opinion, I hereby voluntarily state that from a practical standpoint, the re-use of what perhaps is considered to be one of the most recognizable structures in the city [like the Eiffel Tower] by local residents and by one of the major life sources of Sturgeon Bay - Tourists ... Hence, I encourage those opposed to maintaining the structure in its present location to look at the dissertation I submit ...

... There exists a new structural engineering movement throughout the State of Wisconsin and the nation called “mass-timber” buildings and I recently attended a DNR workshop in Madison regarding this new movement.
The subject Granary is a prime example of this revitalized idea to make wooden structures 8 to 16 stories tall as opposed to current code limits of 3 story wooden structures. This movement is heavily promoted by State Governments because of the abundance of renewable standing timber, especially in Wisconsin.  

Also, as a member of the Wisconsin Structural Engineers Association, I was recently invited to attend a tour of the “Title Town” development across from Lambeau Field. The resultant effect of the tour is my inspiration for this sunset appeal that I hereby submit to the City Authority and ask they [...] please re-consider not to destroy this really “cool” iconic structure but rather save it by re-purposing it for citizens and visitors alike.

About the Title Town Project: The newly developed outdoor facility has a tall structure as its focal point that acts as a warming house for ice skaters to glide along a curvilinear ice skating rink that surrounds said tall warming house building... really fantastic!

There also exists a man made hill for snow tubing that is also incorporated around one side of the tall building element.

At ground level there are shuffle boards and bocci ball courts, swings, slides and other play areas. I further believe tennis courts and walking paths, a 100 yard dash track etc. make for a delightful usage of land for public consumption.

I came away from said tour with ideas for how Sturgeon Bay could do a similar facility by incorporating the “mass-timber” Granary that is already on-site and how has a historical building status. I believe all is positive regarding progressive city planning concepts.

In my professional opinion, the current uncertainty of land use regarding high water issues, etc., it seems to me, as a qualified planner, the Granary should be remediated and perhaps the property become part of the city’s park system that could become a one of a kind facility not found anywhere else with its campus having a maritime museum, working water front, tug boats, coast guard boats and Bay Ship’s industrial crane booms rising upward in the background, the docked winter fleet, the bridge infrastructure, especially the Steel Bridge. All, I might say could be enhanced with a winter and summer park, with public toilets in or around the Granary, a warming house in winter and playing of indoor games like checkers, chess or sheepshead card playing for both Seniors and Youth to have a very special recreational space where everyone can gather around the historical Granary. Who else in Wisconsin can do all this?
Perhaps the Farm Market could be located within the confines of such an area... walking and jogging paths in spring/summer/fall and cross country skiing possibilities in winter.

It could all start by saving the Granary... The Fire Chief’s concerns can be satisfied by temporary shoring of the Granary until a Master Plan can be developed, perhaps by the same design firm that created the outstanding recreational facility in Green Bay’s “Title Town” development.
By the way, it is  my opinion that the Demo Contractor's bid is way too low to be able to save the Mass Timbers. Note: All components of the Granary are necessary  to save and be labeled in an orderly fashion so that reassembly is possible if city does have it taken down under the provision of storing the building components for future use. Note: Again, let me emphasize in order to re-assemble this building, all parts must be numbered and kept on a plan the reflects where the numbered parts go with each other or all will be lost after the fact. If demo contractor just tears it down for his low bid, I believe nothing but a few posts might be left. There exists, in my opinion some $200,000 dollars worth of timbers along and maybe that’s why the low bid...

In summation, as a professional planner and structural engineer, I would hope that all parties set aside their divisions and come together for the good of the community and re-consider what a gem we have in this “mass timber” Granary building.

I would be pleased to meet with anyone interested in hearing more about the uniqueness of possessing this unusual Granary in our water front landscape.

In conclusion, this email is NOT a solicitation for business, but rather a free sharing of a professional engineer’s viewpoint. Please feel free to share this email with whomever you wish.
Mike Till, P. E.
LICENSE # 22384

(image: OnMilwaukee.com)

(image: OnMilwaukee.com)

(image: Title Town)

(image: Title Town)

#57: Move the granary to Anaphee Trail

Move the granary structure to the beginning of the Anaphee Trail at the end of South Neenah St. It would be easy to move it. It could become a multiple use building marking the beginning of the trail. The Anaphee railroad was used to haul the grain from the granary. If the granary were near the trail, it would be like stepping back in time.

Submitted by Randy O


#56: History for a great sense of community

“It’s beautiful, and I think that’s why we call it the crown and jewel of Lemont. . . . It’s a gathering place. It’s a great place to have, because there is a great sense of community in Lemont.”

That's what the chairperson of the Lemont, Pennsylvania Village Association has to say about their town's granary, which has been gradually and painstakingly restored since the town bought it in the mid-'90s. This beautiful building has become a central community gathering place. They have an annual Christmas market with music, spirits, and local artists' wares! Haunted houses! Weddings! Concerts! Gourmet dinners! A 5K run! All taking place at--and funding the restoration of--this beautiful granary.

The thing is: in Sturgeon Bay, the restoration of our granary is already paid for. More than $1.5 million has been pledged specifically for this purpose. We already have an iconic building in the center of our town. Don't we want to save it?

I do.

(submitted by Jacinda Duffin via fb).

See other examples of repurposed granaries at http://www.centerlineforum.org/repurposed-granaries

Source: about:blank

#55: Refer to the City's Comprehensive Plan

The City¹s last comprehensive plan (adopted in March of 2010) lists only five overall goals and one of the five is: Seek preservation and maintain the abundant natural and historic resources within and surrounding the City. (page 3-30).

It also says, "Cultural resources encompass historic buildings or structures and archaeological sites, as well as institutions and organizations which contribute to the cultural or artistic life of the community. Cultural resources help to provide the City of Sturgeon Bay with a sense of
heritage, identity, and civic pride. Resources such as historical sites or districts and cultural attractions such as museums can also provide economic development opportunities for the City and its residents. For these reasons, it is important to identify historical and cultural sites
in the City of Sturgeon Bay. (page 4-17).

Read more about an iconic historical building here.

#54: New Life for Granary

Here is a great video of a granary being renovated for Bellingham, WA. "The renovated Granary Building on Bellingham’s waterfront is taking shape in the former home of the Washington Egg and Poultry Cooperative Association."

Read more here from the Bellingham Herald.

"It only takes an ounce of vision to see how this type of adaptive use and historic preservation would revitalize Sturgeon Bay's west side waterfront." (Bob MacDonald)

submitted by Bob Dubuque via fb

(Bellingham Herald)

(Bellingham Herald)

#53: Westside Pavilion

Door County lovers....Sturgeon Bay friends, please look at these pics.

This pavilion could be on Sturgeon Bay's westside waterfront and fall within public trust doctrine uses. It could be attached to the granary and be designed in a way that houses public restrooms and provides the support the historic granary needs.

It's been confirmed that the City can maintain and operate a Pavilion Park like this and the revenue from events and rentals can go into the general fund. City Attorney Randy Nesbitt, the City dministrator and Alderman Ward, have seen this concept at the friends negotiations in Madison earlier this year.

Think: farmers market, covered concert venue, wedding rental, festivals & car shows, fishing tournaments, and much-needed shoulder and off-season events like housing a very prominent and beautiful ice rink, Christmas festivals and Christmas market etc.

It could be designed to have sections closed off such as an area near the fireplace for a warming house. Please share and add your thoughts for potential uses below.

Mohonk Mountain House, NY


Submitted by Carri Andersson

#52: Sturgeon Bay Community Forest - funds for acquisition

Applications from local governments due to Wisconsin State Forester January 13, 2017: "The Community Forest Program (CFP) protects forests that are important for people and the places they call home. Community forests provide many benefits such as places to recreate and enjoy nature; they protect habitat, water quality and other environmental benefits, and they can provide economic benefits through timber resources. Community Forests have also long been sites for environmental and cultural education."

Perhaps our Parks Dept and/or Planning Dept have ideas on the books for conserving forested lands within the city limits and could proceed with this acquisition grant. A strong opportunity if partnered with the high school, elementary schools or NWTC for educational opportunities!

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Cooperative Forestry staff, requests applications for the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program (Community Forest Program or CFP). This is a competitive grant program whereby local governments, qualified nonprofit organizations, and Indian tribes are eligible to apply for grants to establish community forests through fee simple acquisition of private forest land from a willing seller. The purpose of the program is to establish community forests by protecting forest land from conversion to non-forest uses and provide community benefits such as sustainable forest management, environmental benefits including clean air, water, and wildlife habitat; benefits from forest-based educational programs; benefits from serving as models of effective forest stewardship; and recreational benefits secured with public access. Eligible lands for grants funded under this program are private forest that is at least five acres in size, suitable to sustain natural vegetation, and at least 75 percent forested. The lands must also be threatened by conversion to non-forest uses."

submitted by Nancy Aten, received from US Fish and Wildlife Service

#51: De Pere's Green Roof at City Hall - find places to build this in Sturgeon Bay


"De Pere City Hall was looking to set a precedent for sustainability in the area. Located near Green Bay, Wisconsin, this client needed a green roof system that was going to provide all of the wonderful benefits of a green roof while remaining resilient to the cold Wisconsin winters. Working closely with the owners, Hanging Gardens helped them to determine the best system, and went about placing a design together that would maximize heating and cooling cost savings on this 2-story building and provide a rich aesthetic for passersby on the nearby hiking trail near the Fox River. Residents in De Pere now have one of the first green roofs in the area to call their own!"

Image from the Wisconsin company www.hanging-gardens.com

submitted by Nancy Aten

#50: Become a Renewable-Energy City/County

Example from Burlington: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/burlington-what-works-green-energy-214463

"Burlington's decades-long commitment to sustainability has paid off with cheap electricity—and some pretty great homegrown food."

" 'There’s nothing magical about Burlington,' says Taylor Ricketts of the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. 'We don’t have a gift from nature of ample sun or mighty winds or powerful rivers, so if we can do it, so can others.' ".

"How did this former logging port on the shore of Lake Champlain transform itself over the past 40 years from a torpid manufacturing town in the far corner of a backwater state to a global trendsetter in sustainable development and green power? The answer carries particular resonance at a time when the United States’ commitment to environmental issues and addressing climate change is suddenly less certain than at any time in a decade. Cities like Burlington, the largest city in a state whose tourism and agriculture dependent economy is vulnerable to climate change, have had to craft their own solutions to address global warming and to insulate themselves from the vagaries of global energy markets."

shared by Angela Lensch

#49: A rainbow crosswalk: all are welcome


" 'I'm all about raising awareness for some of the racist and diversity issues that we're challenged with,' said Lynn Heimbruch. The idea is certainly getting people talking. 'I just think that, you know, everybody should just do their own thing and I think it would be great, it would be pretty,' said Tracie Newcomer, who is visiting from Illinois. Schneider is already in talks with the Department of Public Works to lay the foundation for the new crosswalks. The DPW sent an e-mail to him saying they are going to research the best option for compliance with federal requirements. 'I'm hoping it just shows that our city does have a lot to offer every type of person,' said Michael Fisher, Co-owner of This Is It. Fisher said the idea came about after Schneider visited Vancouver, Canada and noticed their rainbow crosswalks. Knowing the Federal Highway Administration has strict guidelines on sidewalk design in respect to the white lines, the DPW said they'll work with Schneider on this idea."

Idea proposed for Door County by LGBT Door County

#48: Groundwork USA - maybe a chapter in Sturgeon Bay

Groundwork's only program so far in Wisconsin is in Milwaukee. Sturgeon Bay could be the second! "The mission of the Groundwork USA network is to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement, and management of the physical environment by developing community-based partnerships that empower people, businesses, and organizations to promote environmental, economic, and social well-being." Groundwork "believes in leading by doing". Read about Milwaukee efforts here: http://groundworkusa.org/profile/growing-community-milwaukee-urban-gardens/..

Groundwork USA is now accepting Letters of Interest from communities wishing to begin the process of applying for Groundwork USA program funding and technical assistance and to join the Groundwork Network. Funding is currently available to select up to two new communities for the Groundwork Program. They will be eligible for up to $200,000 in funding and technical assistance from the National Park Service, US Environmental Protection Agency, and Groundwork USA to plan, establish, and build the capacity of Groundwork Trust organizations in their communities. For complete details on the application and selection process, including eligibility requirements, submission details, and evaluation criteria, download the Call for Letters of Interest. Letters of Interest must be received by Groundwork USA by February 1, 2017.

If you have questions about the application process, please contact Anjali Chen, Trust Services Director at Groundwork USA. For more information about Groundwork USA, please visit www.groundworkusa.org.

Nancy Aten